Terms of Service

Last updated June 12, 2024

1. Friendly Reminder About Paid Ads: To keep things fair and consistent, we ask that affiliates avoid using paid ads that link directly to our website. This includes things like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or any other paid promotions.

2. Keyword Considerations: Please don’t bid on our brand name or any variations in your paid advertising. This helps prevent confusion and keeps our brand strong.

3. Landing Page Love: If you’re using paid ads, please send the traffic to your own landing page first before guiding them to our website. This ensures a smoother experience for everyone involved.

4. Keeping Things in Check: We’ll be keeping an eye on affiliate campaigns to make sure everything is running smoothly. If we notice any direct linking from paid ads, we’ll reach out to discuss it.

5. Handling Mistakes: If there’s a slip-up and direct linking happens, we may need to withhold commissions or, in rare cases, pause the affiliate account. But don’t worry – we’ll work with you to resolve any issues.

6. Staying Updated: We might tweak these guidelines from time to time, so please keep an eye out for any updates. We’re committed to making this a great partnership for everyone.

By joining our affiliate program, you’re agreeing to these friendly guidelines. Thanks for your understanding and support – we’re excited to have you on board!